Shopping is a topic inseparably connected with
Christmas. Some people buy gifts in October but the others do it 24th
of December in the morning under the pressure of time. We try to find a perfect
thing to see a smile on someone’s face. This task seems to be easy but it is
not, especially nowadays in the commercial world. Therefore, it could be useful
to recognize what kind of shopper you are. So, for those who haven’t bought Christmas
presents yet, I put some types of customers with their mottos and a short quiz
about shopping.
The Traditionalist: "When it comes to
shopping, I'm a pro."
The Striver: "I wish I could be
a better shopper."
The Stresser: "I really need to save but it’s such a hassle."
The Anti-Shopper: "Shopping is a chore I could live without."
The Casual Spender: "I don't mind
paying more if it means zero effort."
I'm the stresser ;) In fact always when I want to save some money I see something which I feel worth buying :)